A downloadable Roadlike for Windows



This is a basic demo of a combat racing roguelike.

This demo is intended to showcase driving mechanics, tricks, items, track generation, and combat.

Artistic assets are temporary, and sound has not been implemented. Gameplay Controls currently require a gamepad.



The player starts with 3 basic items, a basic weapon, and a deflector shield.

The items are:

Impulse Boost: At the cost of boost duration, gain an instant burst of speed upon activating boost.

Drift Boost: Holding a drift for long enough results in a boost.

Ram support: Ramming enemies while boosting or dodging deals more damage, and you are immune to the collision.



Drifting, spinning, or being upside down results in tricks. Similar consecutive tricks compound their score, while different tricks also increase the trick multiplier. Destroying enemies counts as a trick.

Weapons have a homing factor to the currently targeted enemy. Free target mode defaults to whichever enemy is closest to the center screen, while locked target mode maintains the same target unless you change the target manually, they are destroyed, or you drive past them.

If you crash into walls, 'packets' (the cubes on the road), or are not on the ground your "minimum health" increases as you are being actively traced. Driving quickly along the ground recovers your minimum HP over time. Drive fast, and drive safe!




Enter: Restart.

Escape: Quit.


Right Trigger: Accelerate/Flight Control. You have increased control in the air by holding the trigger down.

Left Trigger: Brake.

Left Stick: Steer.

Left Bumper: Roll override. (Released, steering left and right affect yaw. Pressed, steering left and right affect roll).

X (left face button): Boost.

A (bottom face button): Jump/Dodge. Dodge by steering left or right while holding the roll override, then press this button.

Combat :

Right Stick: Look/Change Target.

Right Stick in: Change Targetting mode (free target, lock target).

Right Bumper: Use offensive equipment (primary weapon)

B (right face button): Use defensive equipment (deflector shield).


Combat Demo.zip 47 MB